Opiate Detox Options in Fresno, CA BAART Programs

Map of California with some cities marked, such as San Francisco and San Jose

Opiate detox with medication is an option for quitting heroin or painkillers.

You’ve been living life on heroin or painkillers, and life is pain-free because of the effects of the drugs. But getting the drug is running your life, ruining relationships, and getting you into legal trouble. When you’ve had enough, where do you turn? How do you change? Fresno and other California cities have opiate detox clinics to take the drugs out of your body while minimizing the pain of withdrawal. You may have been afraid to try opiate detox because you’ve heard horror stories of people who started detoxing at home cold turkey. Sure, that’s one option. But it’s one that has a high rate of relapse because people just can’t take the pain. And if they’ve been off opiates for several days and go back, there’s a good chance for overdosing.

How Opiate Detox Works

People who are addicted to heroin or painkillers have a steady stream of drugs in the brain as long as they’re using. The drugs make them feel good, triggering endorphins. But the drugs turn on the feelings so much that the brain stops producing endorphins naturally. When people want help, they still have drugs in their body. On your own, without assistance, it takes from 7 – 10 days for the body to completely get rid of the drugs, and it’s a horribly painful experience – aches, agitation, sweaty, nausea and vomiting. But a detox program is managed.

Opiate Detox Timing

With a managed opiate detox, the body begins the process of withdrawal for about one day, and then gets medication assistance to minimize withdrawal symptoms. The process takes about three days, possibly a few days longer based on how long you’ve been on opiates and how much you took every day. The process is mostly comfortable, and it’s safe. You’re not alone, and there are doctors to monitor what’s going on. After the initial detox, medication may be used to help you remain clean and sober.

Opiate Detox Is The Beginning

Even though your body is off drugs, it’s necessary to take steps that bring lasting change to your life. Using drugs has probably led you to a life where you interact primarily with other people who use. You need help working through living in healthy relationships and dealing with issues that put or kept you in the lifestyle. Getting treatment for addiction, not just the effects of the opioids on your body, is essential. You don’t want to relapse after you have come so far. So, addiction treatment with a counselor and/or a group is essential.

Methadone Maintenance

People who have a long history with opiates may prefer methadone maintenance treatment. Methadone treatments with the greatest success are longer term. From several months at a minimum to a year or more. Your body can safely stay on methadone for many years without problems. Some people may remain on methadone indefinitely. It’s almost like insulin for a diabetic. Methadone maintenance treatments don’t affect job performance, and don’t show up on a drug test. Methadone is legal, and its use is covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act. So, there are really no downsides to methadone treatment.

How To Know Which Opiate Addiction Treatment Option Is Best

Opiate detox vs. methadone maintenance treatment – both are effective. If you live in Fresno, California, it’s good to have options. You’ll want to talk with a treatment counselor to determine the best method for you to reach your goals and achieve success.

Opiate detox with medication is an option for quitting heroin or painkillers.

You’ve been living life on heroin or painkillers, and life is pain-free because of the effects of the drugs. But getting the drug is running your life, ruining relationships, and getting you into legal trouble. When you’ve had enough, where do you turn? How do you change? Fresno and other California cities have opiate detox clinics to take the drugs out of your body while minimizing the pain of withdrawal. You may have been afraid to try opiate detox because you’ve heard horror stories of people who started detoxing at home cold turkey. Sure, that’s one option. But it’s one that has a high rate of relapse because people just can’t take the pain. And if they’ve been off opiates for several days and go back, there’s a good chance for overdosing.

How Opiate Detox Works

People who are addicted to heroin or painkillers have a steady stream of drugs in the brain as long as they’re using. The drugs make them feel good, triggering endorphins. But the drugs turn on the feelings so much that the brain stops producing endorphins naturally. When people want help, they still have drugs in their body. On your own, without assistance, it takes from 7 – 10 days for the body to completely get rid of the drugs, and it’s a horribly painful experience – aches, agitation, sweaty, nausea and vomiting. But a detox program is managed.

Opiate Detox Timing

With a managed opiate detox, the body begins the process of withdrawal for about one day, and then gets medication assistance to minimize withdrawal symptoms. The process takes about three days, possibly a few days longer based on how long you’ve been on opiates and how much you took every day. The process is mostly comfortable, and it’s safe. You’re not alone, and there are doctors to monitor what’s going on. After the initial detox, medication may be used to help you remain clean and sober.

Opiate Detox Is The Beginning

Even though your body is off drugs, it’s necessary to take steps that bring lasting change to your life. Using drugs has probably led you to a life where you interact primarily with other people who use. You need help working through living in healthy relationships and dealing with issues that put or kept you in the lifestyle. Getting treatment for addiction, not just the effects of the opioids on your body, is essential. You don’t want to relapse after you have come so far. So, addiction treatment with a counselor and/or a group is essential.

Methadone Maintenance

People who have a long history with opiates may prefer methadone maintenance treatment. Methadone treatments with the greatest success are longer term. From several months at a minimum to a year or more. Your body can safely stay on methadone for many years without problems. Some people may remain on methadone indefinitely. It’s almost like insulin for a diabetic. Methadone maintenance treatments don’t affect job performance, and don’t show up on a drug test. Methadone is legal, and its use is covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act. So, there are really no downsides to methadone treatment.

How To Know Which Opiate Addiction Treatment Option Is Best

Opiate detox vs. methadone maintenance treatment – both are effective. If you live in Fresno, California, it’s good to have options. You’ll want to talk with a treatment counselor to determine the best method for you to reach your goals and achieve success.

BAART Fresno

BAART Cartwright
3103 E. Cartwright Avenue
Fresno, CA 93725

Phone: 559.498.7100

BAART E Street
1235 E Street
Fresno, CA 93706

Phone: 559.268.6261

BAART Porterville
89 Eas Mill Avenue
Porterville, CA 93257

Phone: 559.853.6222

BAART Van Ness
539 N. Van Ness Avenue
Fresno, CA 93728

Phone: 559.266.9581

BAART Visalia
1646 Court Street
Visala, CA 93277

Phone: 559.625.8890

Contact Us Today to Get Started
If opioid addiction is impacting your life or the life of someone you care about, reach out to BAART Programs for convenient care. We are here to provide the support you need to take the first step on the path to recovery.

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