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Overcome Opioid Addiction Carmichael, CA

Opioid addiction is a national epidemic. The number of people struggling with this is staggering and in Carmichael, CA, the numbers continue to rise. The rate of opioid overdoses in the Sacramento area were higher than the statewide average of deaths per year. Additionally, opioid overdoses resulting in ER visits and hospitalizations increased steadily nearly every year from 2006 to 2013.

According to the California Department of Public Health, 70 percent of the deaths  in 2017 involved prescription opioids. 70 percent is a number that is overwhelming to think about, and with a percentage that high, it is almost certain that you might know someone struggling with an opioid addiction. So, where do you start? What can be done to help someone overcome an addiction?

   Accept them unconditionally. Unconditional love is simply the act of loving without restrictions or conditions. Of course, there is a fine line between loving unconditionally and enabling. Show empathy and compassion in the same way you’d show it to someone suffering from any other chronic illness.

   Create an environment that is substance free. One of the biggest indicators of whether or not someone can be successful in recovery long term is whether or not users live in drug-free environments. Loved ones can help by removing any drug paraphernalia and encouraging them to stay away from places that might tempt them to relapse.

   Provide support. Listening is an important component of being able to help someone with a drug addiction of any kind. It can be difficult, it can be painful, but you should always provide support. Creating boundaries, organizing an intervention, and educating yourself can all provide forms of support. Most importantly, your loved one should hear the words “I love you” and “I care” as often as possible.

   Encourage healthy habits. Cooking food, exercising and playing games are all positive, substance-free activities that those in recovery can do with their loved ones. Anything that keeps your loved one occupied and active will do wonders to prevent them from returning to their old habits.

   Join a support group. In support groups, your loved ones will have the help of professional counselors to advise them and support them on their journey. But it is equally important that you find a support group for yourself. Loved ones also need a shoulder to cry on and support from others You need a place where friends and family of people suffering from substance abuse gather together to share fears, frustrations and hope with each other. This will help you realize that you are not alone and that there are others going through similar situations.

   Be patient.  Recovery can be a long process. People often make mistakes in recovery, so it’s important for them to know that their family and friends still support them when they get off track.

Recovering from an addiction does not end with rehab, but rather, is a lifelong process. Staying sober takes commitment and determination. Therefore, it is essential that people encourage those in recovery by motivating them to continue living a substance-free life.

One option for treatment in the Carmichael area is BAART Carmichael. BAART Carmichael is an outpatient addiction treatment program located in the Sacramento area. They specialize in the treatment of dependency and addiction to opiates including pain pills such as Vicodin®, Norco®, OxyContin, Codeine or Morphine, as well as heroin. There are other great resources available as well to help those with an opioid addiction find jobs, housing, and support groups . The main thing is that you begin the process of seeking help for your loved one and realizing that you, and they, are not alone.Accept them unconditionally. Unconditional love is simply the act of loving without restrictions or conditions. Of course, there is a fine line between loving unconditionally and enabling. Show empathy and compassion in the same way you’d show it to someone suffering from any other chronic illness.
   Create an environment that is substance free. One of the biggest indicators of whether or not someone can be successful in recovery long term is whether or not users live in drug-free environments. Loved ones can help by removing any drug paraphernalia and encouraging them to stay away from places that might tempt them to relapse.

   Provide support. Listening is an important component of being able to help someone with a drug addiction of any kind. It can be difficult, it can be painful, but you should always provide support. Creating boundaries, organizing an intervention, and educating yourself can all provide forms of support. Most importantly, your loved one should hear the words “I love you” and “I care” as often as possible.

   Encourage healthy habits. Cooking food, exercising and playing games are all positive, substance-free activities that those in recovery can do with their loved ones. Anything that keeps your loved one occupied and active will do wonders to prevent them from returning to their old habits.

   Join a support group. In support groups, your loved ones will have the help of professional counselors to advise them and support them on their journey. But it is equally important that you find a support group for yourself. Loved ones also need a shoulder to cry on and support from others You need a place where friends and family of people suffering from substance abuse gather together to share fears, frustrations and hope with each other. This will help you realize that you are not alone and that there are others going through similar situations.

   Be patient.  Recovery can be a long process. People often make mistakes in recovery, so it’s important for them to know that their family and friends still support them when they get off track.

Recovering from opioid addiction does not end with rehab, but rather, is a lifelong process. Staying sober takes commitment and determination. Therefore, it is essential that people encourage those in recovery by motivating them to continue living a substance-free life.

One option for opioid addiction treatment in the Carmichael area is BAART Carmichael. BAART Carmichael is an outpatient addiction treatment program located in the Sacramento area. They specialize in the treatment of dependency and addiction to opiates including pain pills such as Vicodin®, Norco®, OxyContin, Codeine or Morphine, as well as heroin. There are other great resources available as well to help those with an opioid addiction find jobs, housing, and support groups . The main thing is that you begin the process of seeking help for your loved one and realizing that you, and they, are not alone.




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